Sunday, August 9, 2009

Two clips!

Justin suprising everyone at his voice recital. What? Who knew? OUR BOY CAN SING!!

I was going to post Eliza's recital but the uploading has taken forever!! So just Justin for now...


Ashley said...

I seriously think that he is EXACTLY like Noah in so many more ways than we realize. If I close my eyes I can picture this as Noah actually singing this song. They have such similar voices with just a growth spurt inbetween them. It is WILD to me to see stuff like that.

ps I am glad you are updating your blog.

Anne said...

Thanks, Ashley. I can see Noah in him as well. Pretty freaky how gentics work. Good thing Noah's so cute!!

Paul and Megan Hawkes said...

So amazing. Olivia kept making me play it over and over. You have such a beautiful family. I wish you lived closer. One day maybe you can live back in Utah. Give all the kids big loves from us.